How Do You Use A Fat Spell Candle? (Here’s some ideas)

When someone hears the words “fat spell candle”, they inevitably think of spells involving self confidence. But I’m here to tell you that fatness and magic can go together in so many ways! The reason these simple candles can be so complex and varied in use, is that our bodies impact and are impacted by everything. They are literally how we interact with the world and visa versa. How we’re seen, how we’re judged, how we hurt, how we love. Our shape and size intersect with all other forms of marginalization that we may carry. And so, the expanse of ways in which we may use magic is as unique as our experiences are.

But, let’s actually get to it! I hope that these ideas will inspire you to use our candles in any way that will enhance your life and heal your soul.

*Increase your confidence

*Deflecting fatphobia and fatphobes

*Decreasing bias in any kind of interview

*Attracting the right kind of partner,including deflecting fat objectifiers

*Before requesting accommodations that may be impacted by weight bias

*Before flying or traveling where you need fat friendly spaces

*To help find fat friends, attracting a fat partner, or finding a fat community.

*Starting a fat community and attracting members

*Before doctor appointments, medical procedures, or even when requesting that a medical office look into becoming more fat friendly

*Balancing energies and moving your nervous system out of fight or flight.

*Energy charging rituals

*Connecting or reconnecting with your body and your magic

*Protection, especially against bodily harm

*Fertility magic

I hope these suggestions gave you some ideas and if you come up with some of your own that you think we should include here, please feel free to send us an email via the contact us page!


Ritual Baths & Teas: A History